Sector: steel, marine
All the SLINGOFER machines are CUSTOM DESIGNED and manufactured in order to satisfy each customers specific necessity.
All the tongs and lifters are manufactured mainly to act for the needs of steelworks, mills and ports with high production, severe working conditions or intense handling procedures always ensuring Quality, Safety and Durability.
Since 1961 SLINGOFER has acquired a knowhow in the construction of lifting and handling equipment..
Nowadays production processes and systems must assure:
- an increase production
- an increased quality of the product
- quicker cycles/shifts and smaller stocking areas.
Each of the above mentioned points requests an efficient and safe material handling, lifting and storage procedure.
The strongest evidence for the suitability and quality of SLINGOFER material handling solutions can be found in steel works all over the world, where almost 6.000 lifters are in service.
All the SLINGOFER machines are CUSTOM DESIGNED and they are entirely designed and manufactured by our company.
All the tongs and lifters are manufactured mainly to apt for the needs of steelworks, mills and ports with high production, severe working conditions or intense handling procedures.
Furthermore, thanks to SLINGOFER handling technology it is possible to:
- Assure safe working conditions
- Improve efficiency
- Reduce manpower
- Reduce maintenance
- Reduce products damage
- Higher productivity and higher profits.
Slingofer is synonymous of reliability, efficiency, safety, innovation and quality, certified UNI EN 9001:2000 cert RINA. N ° 150/94/S since 1994